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Dr. Gabriel Torrealba

Assistant Professor
Sociology and Anthropology
SCH Schroeder Hall 345
Office Hours
Friday 10 am-12 pm
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


Dr. Gabriel Torrealba Alfonzo is a cultural anthropologist from Venezuela. He obtained his PhD from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale in 2023, and previously, a master’s degree from the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (2012) and a bachelor’s from the Central University of Venezuela (2007).

Current Courses

176Culture, Power, And Civic Life

Teaching Interests & Areas

Culture and Power, Economic Anthropology, South American Indigenous Politics, Amazonian Ethnographies, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Anthropology and Historicities, Anthropology of Media.

Research Interests & Areas

Indigenous worlds, aesthetics, social theory, media-making, Indigeneity, historicity, cosmopolitics, musicalizations, political economy, extractivism, heritage, nationalism, Amazonia (Peru and Venezuela).

PhD Anthropology

Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Carbondale, IL

Journal Article

Torrealba, G., Navas Mendez, A., Scaramelli, F., & Scaramelli, K. Ethnography In‐Sight: Nation‐Making Objects.. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (2022)
Torrealba, G., Navas Méndez, A., Scaramelli, F., & Scaramelli, K.   Ethnography In‐Sight: Nation‐Making Objects. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 26.3-4 (2022): 378-385.
Torrealba, G., & Navas Méndez, A. Bolivar's Sword: The Mapoyo and the Politics of Heritage‐Making in Venezuela. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 26.3-4 (2021): 386-407.
Torrealba, G., & Navas Mendez, A. Bolivar’s Sword: The Mapoyo and the Politics of Heritage-Making in Venezuela.. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (2021)
Torrealba, G., & Scaramelli, F. Las estaciones sarrapieras: los Mapoyo y las economías extractivas del Orinoco Medio, Venezuela. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 13.2 (2018): 293-314.