Book, Authored
Whitesel, Jason. 2014. Fat Gay Men: Girth, Mirth, and the Politics of Stigma, New York, NY: NYU Press.
Book, Chapter
Whitesel, Jason. Forthcoming 2025. "A History of Fat: Discursive Constraint, Narrative Resistance.” Narrative Knows No Boundaries, edited by Ann Ferrell and Martha Sims, pp. TBD. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Whitesel, Jason. 2023. “Big-Gay Men Entering the Twenty-First Century: Global Perspectives on Fat-Affirming Subcultures and Imagery.” The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies, edited by Amy E. Farrell, 241 – 264. New York, NY: Routledge.
Whitesel, Jason. 2021. "Review of Scholarship on Fat-Gay Men." International Handbook of Fat Studies, edited by Cat Pausé and Sonya Renee Taylor, 217 – 236. New York, NY: Routledge.
Whitesel, Jason. 2019. “Big Gay Men’s Performative Protest against Body Shaming: The Case of Girth and Mirth.” Body Battlegrounds: Transgressions, Tensions, Transformations, edited by Chris Bobel and Samantha Kwan, 129 – 143. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
Journal Article
Whitesel, Jason. 2022. “On Becoming a Queer Scholar Doing Body-Image Research.” Racial Democracy, Crime & Justice Network: Our Stories 3(3): 1 – 26.
Whitesel, Jason and Stefanie Snider. 2021. "Interactive Nature of Fat Activism and Fat Studies Within and Outside Academia." Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight & Society 10(3): 215 – 220.
Whitesel, Jason. 2017. “Intersections of Multiple Oppressions: Racism, Sizism, Ableism, and the ‘Illimitable Etceteras’ in Encounters with Law Enforcement.” Sociological Forum 32(2): 426 – 433. *Top 20 Most-Downloaded Article, year-end 2017.
Whitesel, Jason. 2017. “The Disruptive Power of Social/Queer/Fat/Human/Countercultural Junk.” MELK: A Norwegian Queer Cultural Magazine, 4(1): 52 – 61.
Whitesel, Jason and Amy Shuman. 2016. “Discursive Entanglements, Diffractive Readings: Weight-Loss-Surgery Narratives of Girth & Mirthers.” Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society 5(1): 32 – 56.
Whitesel, Jason. 2023. “Weight Bias and Fat Stigma.” Friedman Speaker Series, Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 15.
Whitesel, Jason. 2019. “Big Gay Men Challenging Body Shame.” Panel on Body Battlegrounds: Transgressions, Tensions, and Transformations. National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, November 14 –17.
Whitesel, Jason. 2019. “Queer 101: What is Queer?” Panel on Queering/Querying Bodies. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, Illinois, April 17 – 20.
*Older publications and presentations available upon request.