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Dr. Winfred Avogo

Associate Professor
Sociology and Anthropology
SCH Schroeder Hall 353
Office Hours
Thursday: 11-12PM
Or by appointment
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

108.001Contemporary Social Problems In Global Perspective

498.001Professional Practice:In Sociology

108.001Contemporary Social Problems In Global Perspective

108.002Contemporary Social Problems In Global Perspective

400.002Independent Study



291.006Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Sociology-Anthropology

Teaching Interests & Areas

Demography and Population Issues, Research and Quantitative Methodology, Social Problems and Senior Experience and Social Statistics.

Research Interests & Areas

Demography, Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Forced Migration, Diffusion and Social Networks, Research Methodology and Statistics

Ph D Sociology

Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona

MA Population Studies/Demography

United Nations Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS)
University of Ghana, Legon, Accra

BA Sociology and History

University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast, Ghana

CODESRIA African Diaspora Support to African Universities

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA))

CODESRIA African Diaspora Support to African Universities

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA))

African Diaspora Fellowship

Carnegie Foundation

Summer Faculty Fellowship (SFF)

Illinois State University Research Grants Program (URG)

Conference Proceeding

Avogo, W. Early Marriage in Western Africa
Avogo, W. Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Self-reported Health and Well-being in Ghana. Population Association of America

Journal Article

Avogo WA (2023) Community characteristics and the risk of non-communicable diseases in Ghana. PLOS Global Public Health 3(1): e0000692.
Avogo, W., & Somefun, O. Early Marriage, Cohabitation, and Childbearing in West Africa. Journal of Environmental and Public Health Volume 2019, Article ID 9731756 (2019): 10 pages.
Avogo, W., & Agadjanian, V. Coping with Fears: Women’s Personal Networks, Migration, and HIV/AIDS in Mozambique. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10.3 (2013): 892-912.
Avogo, W. Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Self-rated Health in Ghana. African Population Studies 27.2 (2013): 188-202.
Sprecher, S., Brooks, J., & Avogo, W. Self-Esteem Among Young Adults: Differences and Similarities Based on Gender, Race, and Cohort (1990 – 2012). Springer Science 69.264-275 (2013)


Individual and Community Effects and Adolescent Reproductive Health Transitions in West Africa. 9th African Population Conference. Union of African Population Scientists (UAPS). (2024)
Relative Resources and Community Norms: Contextualizing Intimate Partner Violence in West Africa. 30th International Population Conference (IPC2025). International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). (2024)
2020 "Youth Reproductive Health and Labor Force Participation in South Africa" Presented at Population Association of America (PAA), Virtual Conference May 2020.
2020 - "Educational Attainment and Fertility: Contextual Determinants from West Africa" Paper Presented at Population Association of America Conference, May 05.
Labor Migration, Social Capital and HIV Risks in South Africa. Population Association of South Africa. (2019)
Youth Reproductive Health and Economic Outcomes in South Africa. 8th African Population Conference. Union for African Population Studies. (2019)
Avogo, W. (2018) " Labor Migration, Social Capital, and HIV Risks in South Africa" Paper Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meetings, Denver, Colorado April 26-28
Session Chair and Organizer: African family formation and living arrangements. XXVIII International Population Conference. International Union for the Sceintific Study of Population (IUSSP). (2017)
Union Formation and Childbearing among Adolescents in Ghana. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America. Population Association of America (PAA). (2017)
Avogo, W and Somefun, O. 2017. “Early Marriage, Cohabitation and Childbearing in Western Africa” International Union for the Sceintific Study of Population (IUSSP), XXVIII International Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. October 29-Nov 04.

Grants & Contracts

African Diaspora Support to African Universities Program. Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Other. (2015)
African Diaspora Fellowship. Carnegie Foundation. Other. (2014)
Summer Faculty Fellowship (SFF). University Research and Sponsored Programs. Illinois State University. (2014)
Redesign your Course for Civic Engagement. American Democracy Project and State Farm Course Development Grant. Illinois State University. (2013)