Dr. Wib Leonard
Sociology Professor
Sociology and Anthropology

SCH Schroeder Hall 340
Office Hours
7:30-8A & 10:50-11:45 TR and by appointment
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
440.001Intermediate Social Statistics
440.002Intermediate Social Statistics
275.001Social Data Analytics
275.002Social Data Analytics
275.003Social Data Analytics
Teaching Interests & Areas
Quantitative Methodology, Leisure/Sports/Recreation, Social Psychology
Research Interests & Areas
Quantitative Methodology, Leisure/Sports/Recreation, Social Psychology
MA sociology-psychology
Philadelphia, PA
Ph D social psychology
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
BA psychology
Albright College
Reading, PA
Albright College Hall of Fame
Honored for the longest teaching faculty member at ISU--50 years
Honored for 45th year of teaching at ISU
Nominated for Outstanding Book Award : A Socoiology of Media, Fame, asnd Infamy: Immortalilty in Sports
North Amertican Society for the Sociology of Sport
Northern Cambria Hall of Fame Inductee
Book, Authored
Leonard, W. Brothers (2013)
Journal Article
Leonard, W. The Self . . .. American Jl. of Sociology 24.3 (2013): 123-456.
Leonard, W. Sociology of Media, Fame, and Infamy: Immortality in Sports. Paradigm Publishers (2012)
Textbook, Revised
Leonard, W., & . Basic Social Statistics with accompanying cd (2014)
Applying Sociology of Sport Concepts. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. NASSS. (2019)
Integrating Social Theory Research Methodology and Data Analytics. United States Conosortium on Teaching Statistics. American Statistical Association. (2019)
Conceptual Apps in Teaching the sociology of Sport. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. (2017)
Sports Legacies. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. (2014)
"Teaching Pedagogy in the Sociology of Sport". North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. (2013)
Immortality in Sports. College of Arts & Sciences. (2012)